On May 1st, Training Tracker LLC of Madison Wisconsin purchased the Training Tracker software from Computer Directions LLC.
What does this mean for you? Training Tracker LLC of Madison is taking over support and operations of the Training Tracker web application. During this period of transition, you will not notice any significant changes, and your account should not be affected in any way.
Future Goals for the Training Tracker software:
- Add self-service & automated billing option
- Add self-service bulk uploading
- Improve the usefulness and usability of the application
What can you expect from the new Training Tracker team? Our company vision and values should give you an idea of the kind of company we will always strive to be:
To be the go-to software provider for training and certification tracking, compliance, and auditing, while also delighting our clients, giving back to the community, and being a diverse and inclusive company.
These are the five guiding values of Training Tracker:
- Serving others with sincere generosity and enthusiasm.
- Simplifying the experience, prioritizing the most beneficial elements.
- Creating a positive, diverse, and empowering environment that sets everyone up for success.
- Communicating proactively with empathy, transparency, and awareness.
- Supporting the greater community.
We are extremely excited to elevate Training Tracker to the next level, helping you be confident that your staff is trained, your documentation is complete, and your organization is compliant.
Training Tracker: Track the Tasks, Achieve The Goals.
Please feel free to contact me with questions at
Telephone: +1 866-571-2108
Jen Remsik, CEO
Training Tracker