How-to Guides
These illustrated guides will help you perform basic tasks in Training Tracker. Click to open or print them out for your reference.
What Is Training Tracker Used For?
Training Tracker is used to track employee training, comply with regulatory requirements, and improve quality assurance for many industries. Training Tracker allows you to assign training requirements, send training reminder emails to employees, and keep a record of completed trainings in one centralized, cloud-based location.
What Happens When An Employee Leaves?
With Training Tracker, you have control over your employee lists. Our system makes it easy to archive former employees. This way, they are not completely removed from your system but do not show on your active employee list. In some industries like healthcare, you need to maintain employee training records for up to 10 years, so having an archive of all past employee training is extremely important, especially during a compliance audit. Training Tracker makes employee training records easy to manage! You are not charged a user fee for archived admins and employees.
What Industries Use Training Tracker?
Training Tracker is used by clients in many different industries, including manufacturing, oil and gas; government, aviation, aeronautics, and aircraft maintenance; automotive; healthcare; and pharmaceuticals. If your industry requires regular compliance training, Training Tracker can work for you!
How Is Pricing Determined?
Pricing for Training Tracker is determined by the number of users you have logging into the system.
What Do You Mean By Users?
A user is defined as anyone with a username and password, and they monitor the trainees and tasks to be completed by the trainees. Users are usually your company administrators like human resources managers, training coordinators, and safety managers.
Is Training Tracker A Cloud-Based Tool?
Yes, your training database records are stored on our secure cloud servers.
Is Training Tracker Secure?
Yes, our servers are encrypted with bank-level encryption, and our web application is password protected for each individual user.
Can Training Tracker Help Me To Meet FDA Requirements?
The FDA's Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines (FDA Title 21, FDA Chapter 11, FDA Part 11.) discuss training and record keeping for Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Training Tracker can assist you in keeping your employees up to date on SOPs.
Can Training Tracker Be Used To Meet Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) Training Requirements?
The FAA recently instituted requirements for training certification. Training Tracker can be used to meet many of these requirements, including 49 Code of Federal Regulations.
Can Training Tracker Help With ISO 9000 Certification?
Training Tracker can also help with ISO Certification by auditing your training records. Many companies working toward ISO 9000 certification have used Training Tracker.